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Our open-source solution to submit and showcase wallets and dApps that support WalletConnect. You can view existing entries over at our website or use registry api to fetch them programmatically.

Submitting a project

Head over to and create an account if you don't already have one. Once you sign in, simply fill out our project form under "Registry" section and submit it for review. To ensure fast approval make sure you follow our registry submission guidelines. Once approved your project will automatically appear on our website and api.

If you would like to edit or claim an existing registry item, email us at to help migrate the listing to your account.

Registry API

The Registry API currently offers the following functionality:


By default listings endpoints return all data for provided type. You can use following query params to return paginated data or search for a specific listing by its name:

entriesSpecifies how many entries will be returned (must be used together with page param)
pageSpecifies current page (must be used with entries param)
searchReturns listings whose name matches provided search query

GET /api/v1/wallets

Returns a JSON object containing all wallets listed in the public registry.
See Example

GET /api/v1/dapps

Returns a JSON object containing all dApps listed in the public registry.
See Example

GET /api/v1/all

Returns a JSON object containing all entries listed in the public registry.
See Example

sizeDetermines resolution of returned image can be one of: sm, md or lg
idCorresponds to a registry entry's id field as returned by the Listings API

GET /api/v1/logo/:size/:id

Returns the image source of the logo for id sized according size.
See Example